Praise for Inefficiency

A Smart Car pulled up next to me at a red light on my way to work this morning. On the other side of the road, I noticed the normal variety of vehicles, mostly with one occupant each, making their way to the normal variety of places. The Smart Car got me thinking about efficiency.Continue reading “Praise for Inefficiency”

Bright idea?

A recent Economist carried a piece about how maybe the increasing efficiency of light bulbs is not going to lead toward a reduction of electricity needed/produced. It is worth remembering that when gas lights replaced candles and oil lamps in the 19th century, some newspapers reported that they were “glaring” and “dazzling white”. In fact,Continue reading “Bright idea?”

Go Green, Save Green

“Going green” isn’t always a money-saver.  Buying food that is sustain-ably produced can be costly. buying a new, more fuel-efficient car is expensive (and only arguably a greener option than maintaining a paid-for car you already have). One way that Rachel and I have chosen to do a part to be better stewards of the earth isContinue reading “Go Green, Save Green”