Written in Stone?

A funny thing happened on the way to a memorial service. I don’t even remember what we were talking about, but a granddaughter of the deceased said, “well, it’s not written in stone….” In that moment, I made a connection that seemed so obvious I was at once wanting to think more about it andContinue reading “Written in Stone?”

Stretching Exercises

“Does the Bible say rain used to come up from the ground instead of down from the clouds?” I was asked this morning. The idea rang a bell in my memory, so I did a bit of searching to corroborate the pieces of memory I felt forming. A subset of Christians, and I think itContinue reading “Stretching Exercises”

Not against religion

I just can’t take it anymore. The next time I hear someone say “Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship,” well, I don’t know what I’ll do, but I won’t remain silent any more. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve said this myself! I’ve said lots of things. only some of them have beenContinue reading “Not against religion”

I don’t always agree with me

Tom Wright, I believe, said something like, “I believe I’m right 2/3 of the time. The challenge is that I am never sure exactly which 2/3 that is.” I’m pretty sure I agree with him about this. What I mean by that is that I recognize I am not right about everything. On the otherContinue reading “I don’t always agree with me”

Is God like this?

When I climb the stairs in our house to check on our kids, I usually don’t announce myself. It’s not that i want to catch them doing something they shouldn’t be doing. I would just as soon catch them doing something they should be doing. In fact, I would prefer the latter. But I stillContinue reading “Is God like this?”

Who am I to tell you…?

Can I admit to you here how much I hate being treated like I don’t know what I’m doing? Except, of course, when I am admittedly a novice or rookie. But: I’ve been at this pastoring thing for almost 30 years! So when someone approaches me – especially when they condescendingly share that it’s fromContinue reading “Who am I to tell you…?”

Knowing When

as in: Knowing when to say what you’re thinking, and when not to. I called 6 times before an actually person picked up. The message I received the first five times indicated I had called outside of business hours. Business hours began at 8 am. I started calling at 8 am. I cannot tell youContinue reading “Knowing When”

Not aimed at you

Once I noticed the little girl crying, I could not not think about it. Being at an elementary school to meet with a 4th grader I mentor, I was sensitive to the little girl’s privacy and space. Had this happened at the church I pastor, I wouldn’t have felt the same nudge to maintain myContinue reading “Not aimed at you”

Yes, Caesar, whatever you say, Caesar

Within limits, of course. If you know me at all, you can imagine how confused I was to hear this yesterday at our church’s Veteran’s Day Luncheon: Note the order here: the nation was telling the churches to celebrate this day. I reacted, but controlled it. Someone else had the floor. This gave me timeContinue reading “Yes, Caesar, whatever you say, Caesar”