Worldview – Biblical or Not?

Adam Hamilton posted a couple weeks ago about a “Biblical Worldview.”  He cites Dave Kinnaman’s work in unChristian, which discusses the Barna Group’s research finding which “showed only 4% of adults have a biblical worldview as the basis of their decision-making.” Barna defines a “Biblical Worldview” in this way: For the purposes of the research,Continue reading “Worldview – Biblical or Not?”


Jack Nicholson was probably right. Tom Cruise couldn’t handle the truth. Can you? Can I? Can we? Claims about truth get thrown around like scud missiles. Some in the church lament the loss of the day when we believed there was absolute truth (or should I say “Absolute Truth”) and that we (the church) hadContinue reading “Truth”

Good enough to run again

John the Methodist at Locusts and Honey shared this great clip of Jon Stewart and Chris Mathews. Several years ago now, Stewart was on Crossfire, and this segment is credited by many for bringing about the demise of that CNN cornerstone. This is just the first segment. Tucker Carlson makes an even bigger fool ofContinue reading “Good enough to run again”

Fish on Liberalism

Stanley Fish does it again.  Challenging the presumptiveness of liberalism is nothing new for Fish.  He has been doing so well, and with the same basic argument, at least since There’s No Such Thing As Free Speech (and It’s a Good Thing, Too), published in 1994. Please note: I am not here decrying liberalism asContinue reading “Fish on Liberalism”

Label Me

Do you collect labels? Some companies offer some sort of refund or reward policy for returning their labels. I suppose it is a way for them to track sales and usage. I collect labels, but I don’t collect them for any particular corporate demographic or marketing research. I collect labels because there are so manyContinue reading “Label Me”

With all due respect…

Who am I to disagree with Billy Graham?  And yet I must. In an interview with Jon Meacham, managing editor of Newsweek, well revered Evangelist Billy Graham admitted candidly that he has softened his views on some things.  The one with which I must take issue is his view of scripture. Then again, as IContinue reading “With all due respect…”